class Inotify::Watcher

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Bool = false) #

Creates a new inotify instance and starts reading from the event queue. Optional: Set recursive to true to automatically watch all new subdirectories.

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Instance Method Detail

def clear_event_handlers #

Removes all event handlers added with #on_event.

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def close #

Closes file descriptor referring to the inotify instance.

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def finalize #

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def on_event(&block : Event -> ) #

Attach a &block to the instance, this will receive all events.

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def unwatch(path : String) #

Removes an item from an inotify watch list based on its path. Returns true on success.

NOTE path is case sensitive and has to be an exact match, to what was passed into #watch.

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def unwatch(wd : LibC::Int) #

Removes an item from an inotify watch list based on its watch descriptor wd. Returns true on success, otherwise raises.

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def watch(path : String, mask = DEFAULT_WATCH_FLAG) #

Adds a new watch, or modifies an existing watch, for the path specified. Optional: The events to be monitored can be specified in the mask bit-mask argument.

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def watching : Array(String) #

Returns all paths that are currently being watched.

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